
Sports medicine: first aid, taping, on-field diagnostics and much more

A sufficiently equipped first aid kit belongs at the edge of the field of every team sports team. Gauze bandages, sports tapes, ice sprays, plasters, bandages, and cooling gels are all first aid supplies to stabilize sprains and treat small bumps or abrasions. Temperature-sensitive sports medicine items are ideally kept in cool boxes.

Sports tape is the drug of choice for prevention and pain relief in the event of injuries. Our sports tapes can be used to stabilize joints or protect injured parts of the body. Our elastic KINactive Tape stimulates the blood circulation and the lymph flow and is used and protected by athletes and athletes as a preventive and supportive bandage.

Cohesive undertape serves as a cushioning sub-bandage and is a soft foam fabric with air-permeable properties.
Our sports tapes are available in different widths, colors and packaging units. Application by trained therapists or doctors is recommended.
In addition to the tape bandage, we offer many inexpensive products for sports coaches and physiotherapists.