
Show and study football strategies with tactic boards

Coaches tactical boards are indispensable for equipping soccer teams with tactical knowledge and strategic skills. The pictorial representation of moves and game situations on playing field boards demonstrably increases the learning success of the players who absorb the information with eyes AND ears. Football tactic boards are printed with playing fields, they show a whole football field, half or just the goal area. Magnets can be placed on the board, which symbolize the players and the referee. These can be colored magnets or magnets labeled with the player's name or photo. If the background is white, the football clipboard can be written on with erasable board markers. The trainer can recreate, change and explain game situations. In this way, he not only teaches the team new things, but can also analyze a past game and correct misconduct with them.

The team line-up can also be easily displayed on a tactics board. The coach assigns the players to the playing positions, explains the playing behavior and his expectations. Erasable tactics boards are ideal for team rosters, as they allow for last-minute changes if a team-mate drops out. Football game systems are diverse and variable. However, tactic boards are also indispensable during the game. Again and again it can be seen on television how assistant coaches use football clipboards to instruct substitutes. has a large selection of tactical boards, including not only the playing field boards, but also weekly planners, yearly planners and activity planners from our premium brand BFP – best for professionals.

It has long been clear to every professional coach: the tactical magnetic board is the tool of choice for effective and modern soccer training.